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Analogue Project - Photograms and Pinhole

What is a photogram?

A photogram is a photograph that is made without the use of a camera, it is a man made photograph that is made by objects being placed on a piece of paper then light is casted down which then creates the image with a negative effect.

Depending on weather or not the light can go through the object or not, depends on what color will be shown in the final image because if the light can go completely through the object then you will be able to see through it but if the light can go through the object but not all the way through then it will be shown as white, if no light can get through an object then it will be shown as black.

Photograms were invented by William Henry Fox Talbot however Anna Atkins was the first female photographer.

This is an example of a photogram and it was made by using a tape that had one of the rolls of tape pulled out and scattered around it.

The photograms are made in a dark room as the photographic paper is sensitive to light however when the paper is exposed to red light it does not effect it which means that the human eye can see where items are being placed then when the photographic paper is exposed to light the paper will record the outlines of the items placed which then creates the image shown when the paper has been printed.

The photogram will be set to a certain amount of time so it gives a good exposure onto the image.

A background design could be made to be shown on the photographic paper by placing an item or design in the film carrier which is above the enlarger lens.

photograms made with dry leaves show the leafs veins which shows detail within the image.

If the leaf has just been picked and it is still healthy then it will not show much detail.

A photogram of a dream catcher, shows the detail of the feather and also the thread of the center piece.

This machine makes the photograms and they are easy to make and do not take much time at all, you can either develop the photo yourself using chemicals or you can put it through a print processor which contains the chemicals and also drys the image for you.

I made my own photograms using leaves and flowers from the college garden, I then went into the dark room and placed the items on the photographic paper i then exposed light onto the photographic paper which then created a black and white image.

Pin hole photography

Pinhole photography is a type of photography that only uses photographic paper and a box with a hole in as the image is made using natural light and the photographic paper is exposed to light for numerous minutes but it can be exposed to light for an unlimited amount of time, the photograph will be processed and printed in black and white.

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