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Digital Project- Evaluation.

Whilst studying the digital side of photography, i have looked at different Studio lighting e.g low key/high key, soft/hard lighting , different lenses and what they are best to be used for, I have also looked at long exposure photos e.g. steel wool and light trails, I have also learned about types of files.

Studio lighting: High key lighting

The high key lighting makes the models stand out in the image and by using high key images you can see the shadows made by the model near their feet, these photographs were also taken with soft boxes to light up the back drop as well as the model which means that soft lighting was the type of light used in this image.

Studio lighting: Low key lighting.

The low key lighting is much darker than high key lighting as there is a small amount of light used, the light attachments that can be used are a snoot light or a honey comb dish, the snoot was used to light this image which means that light used in the image was hard lighting.

Different lenses are used for different things e.g. if you want to pick up detail then you could use a macro lens.

I used a macro lens to pick up the detail on grid.

If you wanted to photograph a large area easily then you could use the fish eye lens as it is a very wide angled lens.

This photograph was taken using the fish eye lens, the fish eye lens warps the edges of the photo.

Depending on the type of lens you want to use depends on the image you want to capture, for example if you want to capture what your eye sees then you will use a 50 mm fixed lens.

To capture this reflection i used the 50 mm lens as it was showing what my eyes were seeing.

Long exposures: A long exposure can be used to capture many things e.g. Steel wool being set on fire and spun which gets turned into a still image.

I took these photos outside of college time and used a long exposure to capture what was happening which the camera then turned into a still image after 10 seconds of the shutter being open.

Long exposures can also be used to create light trails, these light trails were created using car headlights and back lights, light trails were introduced to photography by

Types of files:

Shooting on JPEG: JPEG images are better for online sharing and printing on a small scale.

Shooting on RAW: A RAW image is best for printing on a large scale and is a better quality image if you are photographing a wedding.

Recreating other artists photographs.

During the Digital Project we looked at Platon and how he created his images e.g. he took his photographs from a low perspective and used a wide angle lens, we then had a go at recreating his images.

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